Adventure Race
Saturday, October 5th, 10am
Choose your own route, by foot or bike, for 2 hours to explore the trails of San Diego's favorite urban canyon.
Location: Los Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve and surrounding open space
​Date: Saturday, October 5th, 2024
Event Team:
Event Director: Mark Prior
Course Setter: Ashley Young
Sportident Timing: Tad Gallistel
Setup: Mark Souther
Clinician: Mark Prior
Control Pickup: Chelsea McBride
Format: Score-based Adventure Race
Duration: 2 hours
​Map: Penasquitos Canyon
Resolution: 15,000:1
Contours: 3m
Courses: Foot, Bike, E-Bike
​Starts: All participants will start together at 10am sharp.
Time Limits: Time limit on all courses is 2 hours. All competitors must complete their course and download by noon. Substantial penalties for late finishers.
Scoring: Electronic punching will be offered. All participants must bring, rent, or purchase one.
Epunches: Rental electronic punches will be available for $5.
SIAC Air+: The SIAC Air+ system will be enabled for this event.
Clinics: An introductory clinics will be offered at 9:45am.
Registration: All participants must pre-register. All standard SDO fees and registration policies apply.
Early Reg: For this event we are offering a $5 discount for registrations received before 10pm on Thursday, Sept 19th.
Closes: Registration will close at 10pm on Thursday, October 3rd
Entry Limit: This event is limited to 50 participants.
Current Registrants: Here
HQ: Event HQ will be at the Elizabeth Rabbit Neighborhood Park
Coordinates: 32.94091184735108, -117.18232259084442
Parking: Parking inside the park is very limited. Overflow parking is available 300 meters north of the park on Rancho Toyon Place.