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SDO offers many different event formats, depending on the terrain, organizers, and competitor feedback: 


Traditional: A point-to-point competition in which the competitors run independently, competing for the best overall time. Following the Start, all controls must be visited in order, before proceeding to the Finish. These can be offered in "Classic" (80 minute winning time), "Middle" (40 minute) or even "Long" (100-120 minute).  


Sprint: A traditional course held on a special map, often urban, that utilizes special symbols standards. Winning time is usually less than 20 minutes. 


Score: Competitors attempt to gather as many points as possible by visiting controls in any order they desire within an allotted time. Usually a mass start. Often referred to as a "rogaine" or "adventure trek. There are steep penalties for returning the start after the time limit. 


Motala: A unique and fun format used frequently at SDO to maximize the utility of our limited high-quality terrain. It consists of multiple small loops, all beginning and ending at the same point. Theoretically, it makes use of the same terrain for each loop, but we often branch out a bit differently on our loops. Will usually include shorter options with fewer loops for beginners. 


Adventure Race: A challenging course, often utilizing steeper or more thickly vegetated terrain, where technical orienteering courses would be difficult. Usually focused on route choice, as opposed to detailed navigation. Usually more physically demanding. Scoring can be based on point-to-point or score style formats (see above). Allows competitors to use bikes when possible. Can use maps with less detail and accuracy. 

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