Every SDO event requires a team of dedicated volunteers. These roles include:
Event Director (ED): Responsible with the overall success of the event, including recruiting and coordinating volunteers. Other responsibilities include:
Applying for permits (where necessary)
Working with CS to select event format and publish competition details
Coordinate event day logistics
Bring a few snacks (optional)
Despite its centrality, this roles doesn't require advanced orienteering expertise!
Course Setter (CS): Responsible for the development of all event courses, including any necessary map updates. They will publish course details in the weeks before the event. The CS must arrange for the procurement of controls and stands and their placement before the beginning of the event, often with the help of additional volunteers.
Starts: This role is responsible for checking people in at the start, making sure they have the correct map, and then sending them on their way. For events with assigned start times, it's preferable to have a second person to manage these slots. This person usually does their run at the very end of the start window.
HQ Setup: This person arrives a bit early to help setup the banners, registration table, start chute, and snacks. Their job is done before the event begins, so they can run as they normally would.
Clinician: An experienced and patient orienteer who can walk beginners through a quick, casual workshop on the basics of the sport before sending them on their first course.
Control Pickup: These hardy souls add a couple extra kilometers to their workout to help pickup controls after the competition window has closed.
Other critical roles, including registration, Sportident system management, and web/email marketing are coordinated centrally and standardized for all events.
For our larger events, including the annual Anza-Borrego Desert Orienteering Festival, additional volunteer roles are available, including:
Snack-Master: Keep people fed, hydrated and happy
Parking helpers
Social coordinators
Importantly, all volunteers receive registration credit that will allow them to participate in the event at no charge (or a reduced rate for Anza-Borrego).