Location: Kit Carson City Park
​Date: Saturday, February 15th, 2025
Event Team:
Event Director: Eva Wheeler-Sagiao
Course Setter: Elena Vinnichenko
Sportident Timing: TBD
Setup: Volunteer Needed
Starts: Volunteers Needed
Clinician: Volunteer Needed
Control Pickup: Volunteers Needed
Cleanup: Volunteer Needed
Format: Score
​Map: Newly created for 2025! 7500:1 resolution, 1m contours
Courses: 60 minute
​Starts: Single mass start at 10am
Time Limits: All competitors must return to HQ after 60 minutes.
Scoring: Electronic punching will be offered. All participants must bring, rent, or purchase one. Controls will be AIR+ enabled.
Epunches: Rental electronic punches will be available for $5 or you can buy your very own e-punch at our gear store for delivery at the event (use "000000" when registering)
Clinics: An introductory clinics will be offered at 9:45am.
Registration: All participants must pre-register. All standard SDO registration policies apply.
Fee: $20 for adults, $10 for juniors (under 21). $5 early bird discount through Sunday, Feb 2nd
Closes: Registration will close at 10am on Friday, Feb 14th.
Entry Limit: This event is limited to 75 participants.
Current Registrations: Here
HQ Coordinates: 33.08097815169061, -117.06087549849444
Directions: Coming Soon
Transit: Coming Soon
Parking: Coming Soon